Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Celebration of the life of Red Bird

I was honored to be part of the dance and poetry performance at the memorial celebration of the life of Leonard "Red" Bird, a professor, peace activist, author/poet who was a friend, living many years in Durango, CO. The site was the campus of Fort Lewis College in Durango.
Flight performance

I contributed by unfurling Japanese-style handmade paper tendrils and giving them to the dancers. The paper was used as a symbol for the connection that Red Bird had with the people of Japan. The dancers were Anne Bartlett, Desiree Henderson, and Kathryn Moller. The music was performed by Jonathan Latta and the words were spoken by Charles Eagan. Simone Kelly, 2 years old, performed by placing a red folded paper crane on an aspen branch to end the performance.

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