Opening July 5 at the Western Colorado Center for the Arts in Grand Junction is the exhibit "Looking After Trees", curated by Meredith Nemirov and Raoul Anchondo. I have a large installation of cast paper aspen trees and a cast paper wall work in the show. There is an online catalog accompanying this exhibit.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
As a collagist. I have saved many elements from nature including wasp nests. Wasps are indeed our first papermakers. The created forms (inside networks and outer wrappings) and the patterns in the paper. have always intrigued me. I have been combining my own handmade paper, made from the kozo plant grown in Thailand, with fragments of wasp paper. These papers will eventually be used in an installation to be created this summer at the Durango Arts Center. Stay tuned for images of the completed vision.
It is always nice to return to the coast of Southern California and our old stomping grounds from La Jolla to Encinitas. Walks on Del Mar beach refresh and bring back great memories of our life there through the years. The coral trees were in bloom too.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Each year I place paper on the earth where it lies through the winter, covered with snow. The snow becomes the press and the earth the plate. In the spring, harvesting shows the imprint on the paper of the winter and documents the snow levels of that season. Then I create a different book, sculpture, or wall work that celebrates yet another year and records the passage of time and that winters marking.
Last month at my local Arts Center we had a fabulous Mask exhibit...masks from many cultures such as New Guinea, Africa, Indonesia, etc.. Here are a few shots of the installation. During the last weeks of the show, children from surrounding schools added their inspirations in the form of masks and drawings.