I have just completed a large book of a selection of my collage (17) that were orginally mounted on Stonehenge paper 30"-22". The book measures 19" square. Glassine is sewn into the binding, covering each collage. The decoration on the covers is antique embossed leather and cut-up and recycled collage.
Recently completed: A recycling of an antique Gilbert Chemistry Set complete with an artists' book entitled The Unlived Life of Little Mary Ellen. The story is told about my never receiving a chemistry set in my younger years because only boys got chemistry sets not girls. The elements are glued in place, a sample sheet of chemicals is included with the book which includes text about the history of the Gilbert sets and my story.
I am a mixed media artist creating environmental installations outdoors (link to greenmuseum.org, landartsite.org, weadartists.org) and in gallery venues. I also make artists' books (link to vampandtramp.com, centerforbookarts.com, sandiegobookarts.org) and collage-assemblage (link to loraschlesinger.com, collageart.org).
Website: maryellenlongart.com